Termékek Összegző jelentés szoftver (45)

Dianel®-micro Anyagtudományi Digitális Mikroszkóp Szoftver - Ingyenes két szerelvényes próba elérhető

Dianel®-micro Anyagtudományi Digitális Mikroszkóp Szoftver - Ingyenes két szerelvényes próba elérhető

Diagnostic complex Dianel®Micro specal software “Dianel® micro” that compatible with most of all the digital microscope cameras. DianelMicro software is intended to visualize an image with a high resolution on the screen, automation of qualitative sample examination of any micro objects and bio materials, storage, measurement, analysis and systematization of photo images and video. DianelMicro software Benefits Compatibility with any models of microscopes and digital cameras; An image output with Magnification up to 8000x (Depends on camera and optical adapter); Clear HD video quality; Full Screen with full resolution sharp live video and samples preview; Making Foto of Samples and Video files of dinamically changing micro objects; Card files for million examinations; Reasonable price. Free two-mounts trial available; Freee support and software updates
Tanulásmenedzsment rendszer

Tanulásmenedzsment rendszer

La plateforme UNICRAFT est Learning management system moderne destiné pour former des employés, ayant une UX/UI moderne, qui est simple et facile à gérer. La plateforme UNICRAFT permet à l’employeur de: Structurer les connaissances, l’expérience, les savoirs-faire et les technologies de travail, qui existent dans l’entreprise en la base unique de connaissances. Attribuer des programmes de formation personnalisés et de gérer de manière flexible l’accès aux supports existants. Former chaque employé à la bonne mise en œuvre de ses fonctions, tout en utilisant les outils et techniques de formation les plus efficaces. Surveiller la compréhension du matériel de chaque employé en temps réel. Gardez un historique complet de la formation et du développement des compétences pour chaque employé Analyser les résultats d’apprentissage des employés, identifier et récompenser les meilleurs Diffuser vite les nouvelles connaissances dans l’entreprise. éditeur de cours intégré:+ possibilité de créer les leçons vidéo, audio, de texte, ainsi que d’autres types de leçons:+ prise en charge des formats de cours interactifs et des simulateurs interactifs:+ protection des informations contre la copiage et le téléchargement:+ programmes d’études individuels:+ gestion des groupes d’utilisateurs:+ Stockage de fichiers illimité:+ différents types de tests et de tâches avec les commentaires du formateur:+ Import du contenu depuis YouTube, Vimeo, Google Docs et Microsoft Office:+ Gestion du catalogue de cours:+ Gestion des délais et d’accès de durée:+ possibilité d’intégrer des pages web individuelles:+ gamification, notes, points et réalisations:+ statistiques détaillées sur les progrès et l’efficacité de la formation:+ actions de masse avec les utilisateurs:+ intégration avec SAP, Active Directory, Salesforce:+
Szoftverlokalizáció és nyelvi tesztelés

Szoftverlokalizáció és nyelvi tesztelés

Software translation is a multi-stage process which includes: • interface and UI strings localization; • translation of technical and user documentation; • translation of legal documents; • marketing translation. Angira translation company is an experienced professional in localization services. Our goal is to ensure the availability and accessibility of your software to the end-user and expand the customer base for your product. We provide translation services in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100 international standards. We carry out terminology management, source and translation proof and review within an integrated approach aimed at ensuring high quality of provided services. 24/7 hotline and a personal manager are available to our clients. We perform applications localization of: • user interfaces; • manuals; • mobile apps; • integrate GIT, GITHUB, GITLAB, SUBVERSION; • linguistic testing. Target languages:Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English Target languages:Estonian, Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian Target languages:Ingush, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese Target languages:Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek Target languages:Vietnamese
Vegyen egy rövid utat a megbízható AFM eredményekhez az Intelligent Scant™ szoftverrel - Jellemzők

Vegyen egy rövid utat a megbízható AFM eredményekhez az Intelligent Scant™ szoftverrel - Jellemzők

Atomic Force Microscopy is a widely used and powerful technique for investigating materials at a nanoscale range. However, the technique is not simple to use, which elicits varied results between researchers with different levels of experience. NTMDT Spectrum Instruments (formerly NTMDT) have created the intelligent software, ScanT™, inspired by neural networks to make dynamic amplitude modulation AFM (AMAFM) easy for researchers of every skill level. The AFM amplitude modulation (AM) mode, also known as “tapping” or “semicontact”, is based on dependency of cantilever amplitude oscillation on distance between sample surface and tip. This mode is often favored over other AFM modes because it provides minimal impact on the sample and the tip, which can help to preserve both.


FORTEZA-PERIMETER-SOFTWARE est un logiciel destiné au contrôle et à la gestion des détecteurs de la marque Forteza avec la connexion réseau via un BUS RS485 et d’autres capteurs avec les contacts secs connectés via FORTEZA-ADAPTER (la marque Forteza). FORTEZA-PERIMETER possède une interface simplifiée qui ne nécessite pas de connaissances spéciales. Les spécifiques de FORTEZA-PERIMETER Visualisation graphique des dispositifs sur la carte. Recherche automatique des dispositifs connectés. Contrôle des détecteurs connectés et visualisation de couleurs de leur statut: alarme, norme, connexion perdue, désactivé. Visualisation du nombre des alarmes pour chaque dispositif sur la fenêtre active. Réinitialisation des alarmes pour chaque détecteur. Branchement/débranchement d’une alarme sonore. La définition de la sous-zone où une alarme s’est déclenchée (pour les gammes FM et MIR-M) Connection des alarmes sonores et lumineuses additionnelles via FORTEZA-CONTROLLER. Longueur maximale de la ligne:1200 m Nombre de lignes:4 Nombre de dispositifs sur une ligne:32 Nombre maximal de dispositifs:128 Rapidité d’échange:1200 ÷ 19200 bit/sec


Converting stands for transforming data from one format to another. We will convert any audio or visual material into the format that will fulfil your requirements. Moreover, you will still retain the ability to change image quality, definition, and aspect ratio, or tweak bitrate and sound quality
OMOS M sorozat analitikai fémmetallográfiai rendszerek - Mikroszkóp és szoftver

OMOS M sorozat analitikai fémmetallográfiai rendszerek - Mikroszkóp és szoftver

OMOS M series analytical metallographic systems make perfect solutions for the microstructure of materials automatic analysis. When you image and analyze samples, you are often faced with complex and interrupted processes that can make tasks take much longer than you want them to. OMOS M series microscopes have vast experience in bringing together optical precision, automation, analytical power, and data management via the workfloworiented system. The new M series analytical metallographic system product range takes this one step further, offering peerless flexibility and ease of use that can make any task a controlled workflow. Ostec is dedicated to ensuring that the best solutions are available for your work, from microscopes and digital cameras to software and data storage. OMOS M series microscopes bring all of our experience to you, giving you control over every aspect of your hardware, workflow Sensor :CMOSIS CMV4000 Sensor size:1" Resolution:2048 X 2048 Pixel size:5.5 µm FPS:90 Interface:USB 3.0 Power requirements:200 W, 220 V /230 V, 50/60 Hz
K+F - Kutatási és Fejlesztési Munka

K+F - Kutatási és Fejlesztési Munka

Die Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit (FuE) zielt darauf ab, ein neues Produkt oder eine neue Technologie nach den Vorgaben des Kunden zu entwickeln. Wir bieten an: - Komplexe Erhebungs-, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Robotik und Mechatronik; - Entwicklung, Design komplexer Roboterlösungen mit garantiertem Ergebnis: Erstellung eines Versuchs-/Modell-/Vorproduktionsmusters mit den in der technischen Spezifikation angegebenen Parametern mit einem vollständigen Paket von Design- und Softwaredokumentation. Auswirkungen der Zusammenarbeit: 1. Garantiert abgeschlossenes F&E-Programm; 2. Sie können bis zu 40 % der F&E-Kosten einsparen und die F&E-Leistungsdauer um das Zweifache verkürzen, als wenn Sie sie selbst durchführen; 3. Der Ruf des Unternehmens / der Abteilung / der Abteilung des Kunden, innovative Projekte erfolgreich und effektiv umzusetzen. Auswirkungen der Zusammenarbeit Garantiert abgeschlossenes F&E-Programm:Auswirkungen der Zusammenarbeit Einsparungen bei F&E von bis zu 40%
SaaS platform mikrofinanszírozási intézmény működtetésére - A Brainysoft automatizált teljes ciklusú hitelcsővezeték funkcióit látja el

SaaS platform mikrofinanszírozási intézmény működtetésére - A Brainysoft automatizált teljes ciklusú hitelcsővezeték funkcióit látja el

Cloud software for financial and technical companies performing crediting, banks, microfinance institutions, credit cooperatives, leasing or mortgage companies and pawnshops. SaaS Brainysoft platform performs the functions of an automated full-cycle credit pipeline: from application for credit and administration of the credit during its life process to submission of report to the controlling authorities. Functionally the system automates the processes of provision of loans/credits remotely and at the office, leasing and mortgage loans, POS crediting. Competitive advantages: •The branched functionality provides the opportunity of quick launch by setting (from 1 month) •Industrial transaction volumes: approved high performance, the volume being more than 3 million borrowers •Antifraud module •Flexible credit product setting •PLUG&PLAY technology during the integration with the external data sources in order to enrich the information on the client •Developed API •SDK All functions to run the entire lending process:Loan Pipeline, Scoring, Gateway, Bookkeeping Integration, Loans Accounting, Payments Processing Types of crediting:Online, Leasing, Mortgage, POS crediting, subscription products, credit lines, Islamic banking Third-party fintech services integration through API:KYC services, Credit Bureaus, SMS providers, Payments processing, Lead generation etc. Credit product setting:according to 134 parameters The branched functionality provides the opportunity of quick launch by setting:from 1 month The interface is adapted in 2 languages:English, Russian Technical documentation available online:More then 1000 pages Approved industrial transaction volume:More than 3 million contracts
3D nyomtató - Héraklész

3D nyomtató - Héraklész

Compact high productive 3D-printer. Hercules produces small items of any material with 20 micron layer resolution. Ideal for home or office: it takes up less space than an office printer. Easy to use. Working field:200x200x210 mm 3D printing performance :up to 50 cm³/h 3D printing performance for flexible materials:up to 34 cm³/h Bed temperature:up to 125°C Extruder temperature :up to 260°C Platform calibration:Semi-automatic Model cooling:Double-sided
Asztali kiadvány - Betűtípus szolgáltatások; Grafikai tervezés; Borítótervezés; Indexelés

Asztali kiadvány - Betűtípus szolgáltatások; Grafikai tervezés; Borítótervezés; Indexelés

Multilingual typesetting services for the following: • Operation Manuals/ Technical Documents • Product User Manuals and Guides • Training Materials • Marketing Text/Advertising Copy • Financial reports and Corporate Business Documents • Brochures, Leaflets, etc.
Bírósági - Bírósági

Bírósági - Bírósági

Le droit de timbre, détermine la compétence et les références de la circonscription judiciaire d’après l’adresse du débiteur, prépare le registre pour payer le droit, commende et reconnait les extraits du Service fédéral de l’enregistrement de l’État, du cadastre et de la cartographie, génère et dépose le demande d’intenter un mandat / le demande en justice auprès du tribunal en ligne, en utilisant la signature numérique. Après quoi, il suivit les écritures judiciaires et reçoit les statuts qu’il place sur la plateforme et conserve leur historique, après quoi met le débiteur au module « procédure d’exécution » pour déposer les données auprès du Service fédéral des huissiers de justice, du Service fédéral des Impôts et des banques. La génération automatisée du mandat, du formulaire de paiement du droit de timbre:Le dépôt du mandat auprès du tribunal en ligne, en utilisant la signature numérique La génération automatique de la décision judiciaire et du jugement d’appel:Le suivi automatique du statut du jugement rendu L’automatisation du processus du reçoit de la décision judiciaire rendue et son envoi au débiteur:Tous les types de dettes Le calcule automatisé de la pénalité de retard:Le calcule automatisé de la dette Le système automatisé de la préparation de la comptabilité:Le processus opératoire simplifié L’application de l’intelligence artificielle et du réseau de neurones artificiels pour exercer les a:L’automatisation totale des processus
Autonóm videóelemző modul - Könnyű módja a különböző folyamatok automatizálásának

Autonóm videóelemző modul - Könnyű módja a különböző folyamatok automatizálásának

An easy way to automate a variety of processes such as medical masks stock control. It will allow you to use all the benefits of video analytics without using the Internet, high-power servers and other additional equipment. Advantages: Can work without internet connection USB and IP cameras can be connected Voice announcement Detection of incorrectly worn masks Integration with various access control systems, turnstiles, etc. Integration with CCTV systems An IP camera is a digital video camera, with a feature of the transmission of a video stream in digital format using the IP protocol. USB camera - a digital video camera capable of capturing images in real time for further transmission via the Internet, connected to a personal computer via a USB port. The module is able to recognize: Medical masks Worker helmets Can learn to recognize many more Recognition probability up to 99% Up to 5 people in the frame at the same time Recognition at a distance of 0.3 to 1.
DTP - Asztali kiadvány

DTP - Asztali kiadvány

Desktop publishing (DTP) technology allows to combine text, numerical data, photographs, charts, and other visual elements in a document that can be printed on a laser printer or more advanced typesetting machine. It makes possible to self-publish a wide variety of content, from menus to magazines to books, without the expense of commercial printing. We strive for perfection of Professionalism and Quality since 1992. Multilevel control over the quality of translation. Our business process management provides for step-by-step multilevel filtration of the project materials. It ensures the highest quality of translations.
Marketingautomatizálási szolgáltatások Marketo, Pardot számára

Marketingautomatizálási szolgáltatások Marketo, Pardot számára

We offer a full range of services for dedicated account management: lead scoring, lead routing, lead lifecycle management, custom dashboards, and ROI reporting. From idea to implementation, we help companies translate their needs into Marketo programs. Campaign Operations Leadonance offers the right combination of expertise and affordability to take the brunt out of Marketo campaign deployment. Save up to 50% by outsourcing the manual work of Marketo asset & campaign management - use the brainpower of your managers to scale marketing initiatives, increase throughput and ROI. Implementation Leadonance offers a full range of services for Marketo and Pardot implementation and account management. With our Solution Architects leading the charge, your marketing will turn from a cost center into a revenue generating machine. Already supercharging their Marketo experience with Leadonance: ABBYY, SmartRecruiters, VONQ, Elasticsearch and other B2B companies
Dianel-pro Szoftverképző Tanfolyam "Egészségügyi Tesztelési Módszer Nemlineáris"

Dianel-pro Szoftverképző Tanfolyam "Egészségügyi Tesztelési Módszer Nemlineáris"

Attention! Training of 1 person is included in the price of equipment for retail customers. Training of more persons is charged at the established training prices. Syllabus of the training seminar «New techniques of examinations with the help of hardwaresoftware systems for nonlinear bioresonant diagnostics «DIANEL» and «DIANELPRO» software The courses are held internally in the office CIT Nelian, or online by Skype with video and images and broadcast video sharing. Training is conducted individually at the agreed time with the customer. Furthermore, in accordance with the desire of the Student, a cultural program can be offered (to be coordinated beforehand) Excursion across Moscow; Visiting Museums Theatres Exhibitions


FORTEZA-PERIMETER SOFTWARE is intended to control and manage TM Forteza sensors having RS-485 and other devices with NC connected via FORTEZA-ADAPTER (ТМ FORTEZA). FORTEZA-PERIMETER has an intuitive interface and doesn`t require special knowledges to work with it. Features of FORTEZA-PERIMETER Graphic representation of devices on the map. Automatic search for connected devices. Control of connected sensors and the colour indication of their status: alarm, norm and failure. Display of alarms number in the operation window for each device. Alarm reset for each sensor. Enable/Disable alarm sound. Indication of the subzone where an alarm occurred (for FM and MIR-M series). Connection of additional sound and light alarms via FORTEZA-CONTROLLER. Recording and storing of an event log, searching for events by a given filter and printing the protocol. LED security lightning brightness control. Possibility to change the logical number of devices. Maximum length of line:1200 m Number of lines:4 Number of devices in a line:32 Maximum devices:128 Rate of exchange:1200 ÷ 19200 bit/sec
Dianel-5120 Hardver-szoftver gép 2 csatornás galván bőrreakcióhoz

Dianel-5120 Hardver-szoftver gép 2 csatornás galván bőrreakcióhoz

The Dianel5120 Hardware and software system with the professional «DianeliON» software can perform the objective psychophysiological condition assessment. Key features of Dianel5120 Hardware and software system Record of twochannel GSR signal Simultaneous recording of voice / sound (Dialog, talks between psychologist and patient). Collection of complaints and the patient's history with an option to register prior to the study. Conducting stress tests (active orthostatic test, samples with hyperventilation, breath holding test) with parallel GSR signal registration. Conduct psychological testing, using appropriate questionnaires and parallel registration signal GSR. Analysis and interpretation of the Galvanic Skin Response data eliminates the effects of perspiration (according to the method by Suhodoev V.V.); Selection and placing on health improvement products from a database program «DianeliON» according to the identified state.
Mobilalkalmazások lokalizálása

Mobilalkalmazások lokalizálása

Whatever application you develop, localization is required for its successful promotion in the markets of other countries. It is localization that increases the rating of a mobile application in app stores and increase the number of its users. This means that your project will become more in demand. Also due to the user-friendly interface. When the application is localized, we recommend that you perform linguistic testing. Linguists of Angira will review screenshots of the application and draw your developers' attention to the problems of line breaks or "missing" lines, etc. You will receive a product that not only contains translated texts, but also: • works in another language and supports input and output of information in it, • contains graphics adapted for the target audience, • correctly handles region-dependent elements like date, time, etc. Are you ready to unleash the potential of your application? Use the services of Angira's localization experts! Target languages:Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English Target languages:Estonian, Farsi (Persian), Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian Target languages:Ingush, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese Target languages:Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek Target languages:Vietnamese


FORTEZA-PERIMETER SOFTWARE dient zur dient zur Steuerung und Verwaltung von TM Forteza-Sensoren mit RS-485 und anderen Geräten mit NC, die über FORTEZA-ADAPTER (ТМ FORTEZA) verbunden sind. FORTEZA-PERIMETER hat ein intuitives Interface und erfordert keine speziellen Kenntnisse, um damit zu arbeiten. FORTEZA-PERIMETER Merkmale: Grafische Darstellung von installierten Sensoren Automatische Suche nach angeschlossenen Sensoren Kontrolle der angeschlossenen Sensoren und farbliche Anzeige ihres Status: Alarm, Norm und Störung Anzeige der Anzahl der Alarme für jedes Gerät Alarmreset für jeden Sensor Aktivieren / Deaktivieren des Alarmtons Anzeige von betätigten Zonen (bei FM und MIR-M Serien) Anschluß von zusätzlichen Ton- und Lichtalarmgeräten Aufzeichnung, Speicherung und Drucken des Ereignisprotokolls Helligkeitssteuerung von LED-Sicherheitsbeleuchtung Wechsel der logischen Nummer Maximale Linienlänge:1200 m Anzahl von Linien:4 Anzahl von Geräten in der Linie:32 Maximale Anzahl von Geräten:128 Kommunikationsrate:1200 ÷ 19200 bit/sec
Dianel-2 Szoftver Képzési Tanfolyam: Bioresonancia NLS Technikák

Dianel-2 Szoftver Képzési Tanfolyam: Bioresonancia NLS Technikák

Attention! Training of 1 person is included in the price of equipment for retail customers. Training of more persons is charged at the established training prices. Syllabus of the training seminar «New techniques of examinations with the help of hardwaresoftware systems for nonlinear bioresonant diagnostics «DIANEL» and Dianel2 software The courses are held internally in the office CIT Nelian, or online by Skype. We have big practice with online trainings by Skype (or Zoom) we show video from camera, we share screen depending on the situation for you Training process looks like you are near to the doctor and see all you want and all you need. Training is conducted individually at the agreed time with the customer. Furthermore, in accordance with the desire of the Student, a cultural program can be offered (to be coordinated beforehand) Excursion across Moscow; Visiting Museums Theatres Exhibitions
Digitális Tartalom Védelem

Digitális Tartalom Védelem

“Cyrillica” studios is there to help you protect your content from unlicensed broadcasting, publication, selling, and other illegal uses. Illegal distribution of content damages its uniqueness, which results in its cost reduction. This is why our studio offers the most reliable technologies available to provide your digital content a fail safe protection.
Tanuláskezelő rendszer - Online tanulási platform, távoktatási rendszer

Tanuláskezelő rendszer - Online tanulási platform, távoktatási rendszer

La plataforma Unicraft es un moderno Learning management system (sistema de gestión del aprendizaje) para la formación de los empleados, con un moderno UX/UI, simple y fácil de usar. La plataforma de Unicraft permite al empleador: Estructurar el conocimiento, la experiencia, el know-how y las tecnologías de trabajo existentes en la empresa en una única base de conocimiento. Establecer programas de entrenamiento personal y manejar con flexibilidad el acceso a los materiales disponibles. Entrenar a cada empleado para que desempeñe sus funciones adecuadamente utilizando las herramientas y técnicas de entrenamiento más efectivas. Monitorear la comprensión del material de cada empleado en tiempo real Mantener un historial completo de la formación y el desarrollo de competencias de cada empleado Analizar los resultados de la formación de los empleados, identificar y recompensar a los mejores empleados Difundir rápidamente los nuevos conocimientos dentro de la empresa editor de cursos incorporado:+ capacidad de crear video, audio, texto y otros tipos de lecciones:+ apoyo a los formatos de cursos interactivos y simuladores de diálogo:+ protección de la información contra la copia y descarga :+ cursos de formación individual:+ gestión de grupos de usuarios:+ Espacio de almacenamiento ilimitado para los archivos:+ varios tipos de pruebas y tareas con retroalimentación del entrenador:+ importación de materiales de YouTube, Vimeo, Google Docs y Microsoft Office:+ Gestión del catálogo de cursos:+ Gestión de plazos y tiempos de acceso:+ capacidad de incrustar páginas web individuales:+ gamificación, clasificaciones, puntajes y logros:+ estadísticas detalladas sobre los progresos y la eficacia del aprendizaje:+ acciones masivas con usuarios:+ acciones masivas con usuarios integración con SAP, Active Directory, Salesforce:+
K+F - Kutatás és fejlesztés

K+F - Kutatás és fejlesztés

Research and development work (R&D) is aimed at creating a new product or technology on the Customer’s specification. We perform: - Complex survey, research and development work in the field of robotics and mechatronics; - Development, design of complex robotic solutions with a guaranteed result: creating an experimental / mock-up / pre-production sample with the parameters specified in the technical specifications with a full package of design and software documentation. Effects of cooperation: 1. Guaranteed completed R&D program; 2. Saving money on R&D up to 40% and reducing the R&D performance period up to 2 times, from doing it on your own; 3. The reputation of the enterprise / department / Customer's department successfully and effectively implementing innovative projects. Effects of cooperation:Guaranteed completed R&D program Effects of cooperation:Saving money on R&D up to 40% Effects of cooperation:Reduction of lead time
Tanuláskezelő rendszer - Online tanulási platform, távoktatási rendszer, üzleti szolgáltatások

Tanuláskezelő rendszer - Online tanulási platform, távoktatási rendszer, üzleti szolgáltatások

Platform «Unicraft» — dette er et moderne Learning management system til uddannelse af medarbejdere, dette system har en moderne UX/UI og det er også meget enkelt og praktisk at bruge. Unicraft platform giver mulighed arbejdsgiver: At strukturere i et enkelt vidensgrundlag der findes i virksomheden: viden, erfaring, know-how og teknologi. At tildele personaliserede træningsprogrammer og administrer frit adgang til tilgængeligt materiale. At uddanne hver medarbejder til at udføre deres funktioner korrekt ved hjælp af de mest effektive træningsværktøjer og teknikker At overvåge forståelse af materialet af hver medarbejder i realtid At holde fuld uddannelse historie og kompetenceudvikling for hver medarbejder. At analysere resultaterne af medarbejderuddannelse, identificere og give belønninger til de bedste medarbejdere At sprede hurtigt ny viden i virksomheden og hold virksomhedens teknologi altid opdateret 24-timers adgang fra enhver enhed.
Tanuláskezelő rendszer - Online oktatási platform, Távoktatási rendszer

Tanuláskezelő rendszer - Online oktatási platform, Távoktatási rendszer

La piattaforma Unicraft è un moderno Learning management system (Sistema di gestione dell'apprendimento ) per la formazione dei dipendenti con UX / UI moderna, semplice e facile da gestire. La piattaforma Unicraft consente al datore di lavoro: Strutturare le conoscenze, l'esperienza, il know-how e le tecnologie di lavoro esistenti nell'azienda in un'unica base di conoscenza. Assegnare programmi di formazione personalizzati e gestire in modo flessibile l'accesso ai materiali esistenti Formare ciascun dipendente nella corretta attuazione delle proprie funzioni utilizzando gli strumenti e le tecniche di formazione più efficaci Monitorare in tempo reale la comprensione del materiale di ciascun dipendente Mantenere una storia completa di formazione e sviluppo delle competenze per ciascun dipendente Analizzare i risultati di apprendimento dei dipendenti, identificare e premiare i migliori Diffondere rapidamente nuove conoscenze nell'azienda
Rtm-d2m Készlet Multifunkcionális Digitális Orvosi Diagnosztikai Rádiótermográf

Rtm-d2m Készlet Multifunkcionális Digitális Orvosi Diagnosztikai Rádiótermográf

This medical method has more than 20 years experience, microwave radiometry, is based on measuring of the intensity of natural electromagnetic radiation from patient's tissue at IR and microwave frequencies. This intensity is proportional to the temperature of tissue. The changes in temperature (thermal abnormality), that are the basis of early detection of the cell proliferation (doubling time) in different organs, which is typical for cancer, are caused by increased cancer cell metabolism. It should be noted that thermal changes precede the anatomical changes that can be detected by traditional methods such as US (Ultrasound), XRay mammography, CT (Computer Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and palpation. Thus, microwave radiometry is a very promising method for the breast and other organ cancer detection at the preclinical stage. Cranial segment of spine; Lumbar spine; brain from a side; Cerebral from top
Audio- és vizuális tartalom helyreállítása

Audio- és vizuális tartalom helyreállítása

Restoration is a complex and labor intensive process. This is why we use precise and reliable algorithms while working with damaged digital content. “Cyrillica” studios is capable of restoring any kind of product to its former glory we will upgrade its quality and resolution or eliminate noises and defects. Should the quality of the content be appropriate but not in full compliance with the technical parameters, we can adapt it to modern standards.
Tanuláskezelő rendszer - Elektronikus oktatási platform, online kurzusok létrehozása, online platform

Tanuláskezelő rendszer - Elektronikus oktatási platform, online kurzusok létrehozása, online platform

Unicraft-platform is een modern elektronisch onderwijsplatform voor opleiding van werknemers, voorzien van een moderne UX / UI, eenvoudig en gemakkelijk te beheren. Met het Unicraft-platform kunnen de ondernemers: De op het bedrijf aanwezige kennis, ervaring, knowhow en werktechnologieën tot één kennisbank structureren. Persoonlijke trainingsprogramma's toewijzen en de toegang tot beschikbare materialen flexibel controleren Elke medewerker met behulp van de meest effectieve tools en trainingsmethoden opleiden, zijn functies correct uit te voeren Het begrip van het materiaal door elke medewerker in realtime controleren De volledige geschiedenis van training en ontwikkeling van competenties voor elke medewerker bijhouden De trainingsresultaten van medewerkers te analyseren, de beste identificeren en belonen Nieuwe kennis binnen het bedrijf snel verspreiden en de technologie van het bedrijf altijd up-to-date houden 24/7 toegang vanaf elk toestel ingebouwde cursuseditor:+ de mogelijkheid om video, audio, tekst en andere soorten lessen aan te maken:+ ondersteuning voor interactieve cursusformaten en dialoogsimulatoren:+ bescherming tegen het kopiëren en downloaden van informatie:+ individuele trainingsprogramma's:+ beheer van gebruikersgroepen:+ Onbeperkte opslagruimte voor bestanden:+ verschillende soorten tests en taken met feedback van de trainer:+ import van gegevens van YouTube, Vimeo, Google Docs en Microsoft Office:+ Beheer van cursuscatalogus:+ Controle van deadlines en toegangstermijnen:+ de mogelijkheid om afzonderlijke webpagina's in te bouwen:+ gamification, beoordelingen, scores en prestaties:+ gedetailleerde statistieken over de prestaties en effectiviteit van training:+ groepacties met gebruikers:+ integratie met SAP, Active Directory, Salesforce:+
Együttműködő robot CR5 - Együttműködő robot a ciklikus gyártási folyamatok automatizálásához.

Együttműködő robot CR5 - Együttműködő robot a ciklikus gyártási folyamatok automatizálásához.

Collaborative robotic complex (CR) with carrying capacity of 5 kg is designed for automating cyclic production technological processes performed in a human-robot collaboration. Features: - Application of own driving decision developed by JSC “IC SPA “Android Technics”; - High level of positioning accuracy and repeatability due to the special algorithms of the control system; - Visually clear and user-friendly control interface; - Easy mounting, programing and resetting for new tasks performance. Content of additional software: - ETS (annual updating and maintenance); - Subject specialization; - Ready decisions regarding integration of CR in digital production. Warranty period: 12 months. Working area in a horizontal plane :1,8 m2 Working area in a vertical plane:1,2 m2 Warranty period :12 months